Child of God
The child

Name: Gay Boy
Age: 19
School: Singapore Academy of Gayness
Birthday: 210189
About Me: Gay. Like totally.

previous posts

Blood Donation and Movie Marathon?
Busiest moment
Last Friday
Home Alone!
Pulau Ubin trip
Movie Marathon!!!
For the longest time...oooh..
Starbucks incident!


March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
September 2007
October 2007
March 2008
April 2008





Designer: Elies
Base code:OHsaygoodbye


free tracking
agree i'm gay

Monday, April 9, 2007

( X*Blaze camp and freaky encounters? @ 11:21 AM )

Didnt start off very well as some of the j1s were late, the most infuriating one or most hilarious one depending how you see it was that one of the j1s fell asleep in the hall after movie marathon and some of the seniors had to search for her and wake her up. Despite the unpleasant starting tone, the mood of the camp seems to change with the enthusiasm of the j1s. They were so eager to win to the extent that when i gave points for doing cheer, all the grps started cheering which was an interesting scene.

After we reached ubin, started off with modules such as basha and tent pitching. To my horror, j1s broke two of the magic wands!!!! thats mean one tent cant be used! but Odacians are always ready, we asked the food comm who was heading back to mainland to get extra tents. Thank God!

I think one of the things that the j1s did that impressed me was the campfire. After Ronald had taught them how to start a fire pit, they were given a chance to try it out. Successfully set up the fire, they started holding hands and sing campfire songs among themselves! i don't even haf to plan a campfire programme man! wassup??? so enthu this batch, totally love their attitude! Well, we continued on with campfire programme with each group presenting a skit. Some were hilarious while some were touching.I noticed that in their skit, people like to act as gay. Especially this guy who is like 190 plus tall did gay action was really FUNNY!!!

Next was solo walk and solo night. Some were so terrified as they kept asking what if Mr. Wildboar decided to pay them a visit and such. Afraid that what if they lost their way and stuff.The path was really dark and errie. Howee and i was stationing at the start off point and we realised that some of the girls can really sing(DUH! they were previously from choir) so we had like some singing competition at there... AFter the end of solo walk, feedbacks gathered show that a certain girl sang rather loud and errie that the seniors who were stationing themselves throughout the walk Chua SAI(almost shitted)HAHA i wonder who... Solo night requires the j1s to pitch a basha and sleep in the forest. Well, they kinda enjoyed it as when i was patrolling they were snoring!

Something bizzare happened. I was awaken by some stupid insects and bugs. Surrounding me was forest and no one else as the rest went to patrol. So i was at the hut siting on the bench. As i looked around, i saw this Mj person in pe t-shirt WITHOUT a Head!!! SERIOUS NO JOKE!! so i told myself cant be, must be due to my drowsiness. So that figure was there till when the patrol party came back. Freaky??? i still think i see wrongly then believing that i saw a ghost...haha..

So, as of last year we walked back to mj! This year we started off a new ceremony to celebrate the walk back. Everyone one of us will hit once on the watermelon till it cracks and offer it to each other(j1s to j2s and vice versa) It sounds stupid but it was memorable!